Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.
VIDEO LESSON! Progressive Drumming Essentials, Part 3: Polyrhythmic Grooves
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the September 2015 issue, which is available here. Rock Perspectives Progressive Drumming Essentials Part 3: Polyrhythmic Patterns by Aaron Edgar Last month we learned some of the theory behind polyrhythms,…
VIDEO LESSON: Build a Beat! A Step-by-Step Approach
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the September 2015 issue, which is available here. Basics Build a Beat! A Step-by-Step Approach to Creating Unique and Interesting Grooves by Rich Redmond Over the years, my experiences…
VIDEO LESSON! Progressive Drumming Essentials, Part 2: Demystifying Polyrhythms
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the August 2015 issue, which can be purchased at: Rock Perspectives Progressive Drumming Essentials Part 2: Demystifying Polyrhythms by Aaron Edgar Polyrhythms, which are two contrasting subdivisions played…
VIDEO LESSON! Attack of the Juh-Ba: The Flat Flam Followed by a Kick Drum
The excerpt below is taken from the complete article that appears in the July 2015 issue, which is available here. Basics Attack of the Juh-Ba Harness the Power of the Flat Flam Followed by a Kick Drum by Rich Redmond…
News: Sabian Welcomes Joe Bergamini as New Education Consultant
Sabian recently announced that drummer/educator/author Joe Bergamini has joined the Sabian team as an education consultant. Bergamini’s main focus will be the design, implementation, and maintenance of a new program aimed at drum teachers called the Sabian Education Network. This…
VIDEO DEMO! Product Close-Up: Sabian Big & Ugly Collection
This review originally published in the April 2015 issue of Modern Drummer magazine. Order a print copy here or learn more about the issue here. Sabian Big & Ugly Ride Collection Large, raw cymbals designed to deliver a darker and richer old-world-style…
Showroom: Sabian B8X Cymbal Series
Sabian has announced that B8, a bestseller since its launch in 1984, will be replaced with the significantly improved B8X series, which features fully hammered bells, adjusted profiles, and a new logo, at the same prices. One of the more…
News: Moore Music Announces Monthly Drummer Hang
Moore Music has announced a monthly Drummer Hang event for drummers, beginning in February. The Drummer Hang is intended to bring local and regional drummers of all ages, styles, and skill together for a casual evening of networking, gear demos,…
Sabian’s Big and Ugly Cymbals at NAMM 2015 (VIDEO)
In this video from NAMM 2015, Mark Love, product specialist at Sabian, demonstrates the new Big and Ugly series of cymbals including the AA Apollo, HH Nova, HH King, HHX Phoenix, HH Pandora, and XS20 Monarch. The NAMM Show 2015,…
VIDEO! The Lindy Beat: The Grooviest of Early Rock Grooves (From the February 2015 Issue)
The following excerpt is taken from the February 2015 issue of Modern Drummer. Basics The Lindy Beat The Grooviest of Early Rock ’n’ Roll Grooves by Rich Redmond The classic rhythm we’re exploring this month has weathered the test of time…
Basics: Radio Beats (From the January 2015 Issue)
Radio Beats 7 Real-World Applications of Essential, Time-Honored Grooves by Rich Redmond In this month’s article, we take a look at some popular grooves on country radio right now. All of them are variations of what I call “money beats,”…
Sabian Relauches Set-Up Builder at
Sabian’s new Set-Up Builder allows users to build as many kits as they like, listen to high-quality sound samples, and easily share configurations. Sabian endorsers can also create their own setups and have them automatically updated to their profile pages…
Sabian Clinics for September, October, November 2014
2014 September Sept 6th Rich Redmond 2112 Percussion, Raleigh, NC Steve 919.833.0046 Sept 13th Brian West HEB Drumline, Hurst, TX Ben 817.683.0179 Sept 15th Will Calhoun Wizdom Shed, Clinton, NY Scott 315.794.5337 Sept 17th T. Adam Blackstock Thompson High School, Alabaster, AL Sean Sept…
Sabian Releases Fast Hat Pocket Cymbal Bags To Speed Up Set-Up and Tear-Down
Making it faster for a drummer to get in and out of a gig is the focus of this new cymbal bag collection from Sabian. The bags feature the patent pending Fast Hat Pocket. With this special front pocket and…