
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


Remembering Joe Porcaro (November 1994 Feature)

With the passing of studio great Joe Porcaro, we’ve gone back into the vault for his November 1994 Modern Drummer feature, in which we learned about his path to the top of the L.A. studio scene, and got an inside…

Modern Drummer
Jul 8, 2020

VIDEO! Screaming Clave: Big Beats Based on Afro-Caribbean Root Rhythms (From the September 2014 Issue)

by Rich Redmond Clave comprises the root rhythms used as the basis for most Afro-Caribbean music. These rhythms are two measures long (written in cut time), with three notes in one measure and two notes in the other. If you…

Modern Drummer
Jul 29, 2014

Simon Phillips: The Drummer As Perfectionist

It was an exciting time for drumming. The year was 1980, and a twenty-three-old drummer from England, Simon Phillips, was being introduced to the global music community through his stellar work with artists such as Jeff Beck, Pete Townshend, and…

Modern Drummer
Jun 3, 2010

The Greats: Jeff Porcaro

Jeff Porcaro was born on April 1, 1954, in Hartford, Connecticut. After moving to California with his family, he took an interest in drumming at an early age and began studying with his dad, Joe, who remains a well-known studio…

Modern Drummer
Mar 31, 2010

Simon Phillips

Drumming legend Simon Phillips will simply not slow down, and his star-studded drumming career continues to grow and evolve. Since Simon joined Grammy-winning, LA-based rock band Toto fifteen years ago, the group has toured relentlessly, refining their classic material while…

Modern Drummer
May 20, 2008