Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.
Listen to Sound Files of Ludwig Epic X-Over Kit
The complete review is on page 26 of the July 2010 issue of Modern Drummer magazine.
Ricc Sheridan of Earl Greyhound
Greetings, drummers and percussionists around the world! First I would like to send love and blessings to you all, wherever you may be. I am deeply honored to be writing this blog for Modern Drummer. My name is Ricc Sheridan,…
Daughters’ Jonathan Syverson
Hello, humans. My name is Jonathan Syverson, and I’ve never actually written any sort of blog. But as anyone who knows me would tell you, I absolutely LOVE talking about myself, and since Modern Drummer was kind enough to come…
Honor Society's Alexander Noyes
Hello, MD readers. I’m on the road again! I love to tour—and I have thirty-two more dates to fall deeper! My band Honor Society is headed back out for the Here Comes Trouble tour, which starts March 19 in Tampa,…
Listen to Sound Files of Ludwig’s Vistalite Jason Bonham Zep Kit
Hear audio from the kit here.
Pat Petrillo — Learn To Read Rhythms...Better!
Hey, MD fam! Hope you’re all having a blast this summer and getting time to chill a bit–or gig a lot! Either way, hope you’re having fun. Things have been mad busy with me, so here’s a bit of an…
Abe Laboriel Jr. Recording And Performing With Paul McCartney
Abe Laboriel Jr. was floating on air shortly after the VH1 airing of the Concert For New York, where he performed with Paul McCartney. "You will never get that many amazing people on the stage ever again and I really…