
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


On the Beat With Brian "Nucci" Cantrell from the English Beat: Talks New Album and Upcoming Tours

Hello to my fellow drummers, and a big thank you to Modern Drummer for letting me add to On the Beat. My name is Brian "Nucci" Cantrell and I am the drummer and backing vocalist for the English Beat. I…

Modern Drummer
Jun 29, 2016

On the Beat With Brian "Nucci" Cantrell from the English Beat: Talks New Album and Upcoming Tours

Hello to my fellow drummers, and a big thank you to Modern Drummer for letting me add to On the Beat. My name is Brian "Nucci" Cantrell and I am the drummer and backing vocalist for the English Beat. I…

Modern Drummer
Jun 29, 2016

Scott Underwood of Train

Story by Rick Long Photo by Kevin Packard   Everyone in the music business is talking about declining sales and canceled tours. Everyone except the band known as Train. Their album Save Me, San Francisco includes the hit “Hey, Soul…

Modern Drummer
Nov 14, 2011