Eric Clapton

Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


The Greats: Ginger Baker

Peter Edward “Ginger” Baker was born on August 19, 1939, in Lewisham, South London and was one of classic rock’s first influential drumming superstars of the 1960s. Ginger—a nickname inspired by his red hair—gained fame as a member of the…

Modern Drummer
Mar 12, 2010

The Greats: Jim Keltner

Jim Keltner is inarguably a true studio drum god. Highly regarded for his session work on solo recordings by three of the Beatles, Jim could also be considered a close life-long friend of George Harrison, John Lennon, and Ringo Starr.…

Modern Drummer
Mar 8, 2010

J.J. Johnson: John Mayer’s Right-Hand Rhythm Man Brings A Jazzer’s Ear To Big-Beat Rock

by Paul Wells Among today’s pop stars, John Mayer is unique. Despite his fame and frequent appearances in the tabloids, a deeper listen reveals that the singer/songwriter/guitarist is a real musician. If he hadn’t have been lucky enough to be…

Modern Drummer
Feb 19, 2009

Jim Fox of The James Gang and More

As The James Gang’s founder and only constant member during their 1966–76 run, you would think their criminally unheralded drummer, Jim Fox, would know if he owned the rights to his band’s name. “I just don’t know much about the…

Modern Drummer
Aug 5, 2006