
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


OCDP Brushed Bell Brass Snare

OCDP 6 1/2x14 Brushed Bell Brass Snare by Michael Dawson While geeking out with a prominent studio drummer a while back, I got into the topic of which snare drums he feels translate best to recordings. After going through his…

Modern Drummer
Jul 17, 2012

Mapex Saturn Special Edition Studioease Drumset

Mapex Saturn Special Edition Studioease Drumset by Michael Dawson The Saturn series is a line of high-end drums designed for professional touring and studio drummers alike. Whereas Mapex’s other high-end line, Orion, is built exclusively with North American maple shells,…

Modern Drummer
Mar 19, 2012

Fidock Blackwood Snares

Fidock Die-Cast, Wood Hoop, and Slotless Blackwood Snare Drums by David Ciauro Australian drumsmith Stephan Fidock’s handcrafted pieces are the drumming equivalent of Frank Lloyd Wright’s architecture, in that they embody the beauty of the environment from which they came.…

Modern Drummer
Feb 15, 2012