
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


Win This Incredible Prize From Pearl Drums and V-Classic Cymbals!

Contest valued at over $6,447! The Prize This incredible contest features a five-piece Pearl Masters Maple Complete shell pack in Vermillion Sparkle finish. The kit includes 8x12 and 7x10 rack toms, a 16x16 floor tom, an 18x22 kick drum, and…

Modern Drummer
Jun 1, 2016

Video Demo! Product Close-Up: V-Classic Hi-Hats, Crashes, Rides, and Jingle Splashes

This excerpt is taken from the complete review that appears in the October 2015 issue, which is available here. Product Close-Up V-Classic Hi-Hats, Crashes, Rides, and Jingle Splashes Steeped in history and tradition while keeping an eye on the future.…

Modern Drummer
Aug 27, 2015

V-Classic Cymbals

V-Classic Vintage-Inspired Turkish Cymbals by Michael Dawson V-Classic cymbals are the brainchild of Torab Majlesi, a Turkish session drummer and industry vet who’s had an affinity for traditional cymbal sounds since purchasing his first set of old K’s back in…

Modern Drummer
Jul 17, 2012