October November 1979 – Volume 3 • Number 5
Articles in October November 1979
Complete Percussionist: Interpreting Marches
Complete Percussionist Interpreting Marches by David L. Codrey Is it possible to "kick" a march in much the same way you kick a dance band? As long as we're not talking about dance band rhythms, but are talking about support…
Reflections on Gene Krupa
Reflections on Gene Krupa In 1939, I first met Gene. I started at the Hickory House in 1938. So Gene and I had been friends for over 30 years. I guess that everything that has been said about the man…
Jazz Drummer's Workshop: Foundational Studies For Ride Cymbal Technique
by Ed Soph Before be-bop, jazz rhythm was characterized by equal emphasis on all four beats of the measure. With bop came the accentuation of the second and fourth beats. This accentuation is clearly heard in the ride cymbal pattern…
Krupa In Solo
Transcription and Analysis by Ron Spagnardi A special tribute to the late Gene Krupa would certainly be incomplete without a full transcription of a classic Krupa solo. Gene's style was unique. Though the transcription below was recorded late in Krupa's…
Krupa and the Small Groups: A Lesson In Individuality and Swing
by Bruce Klauber "What we do is provide entertainment. We use showmanship and we work for a good, free swinging feeling. We try to have a balanced repertoire and a good overall sound. We can play hard and we can…
October November 1979 - Volume 3 • Number 5
Gene Krupa, Michael Shrieve, Bill Bruford, Irv Cottler, Herb Lovelle, Bob Moses
South Of The Border: Brazilian Percussion
South Of The Border Brazilian Percussion by Norbert Goldberg Brazil has been a rich source of music and rhythm for many years. Virtually every percussionist has a few Brazilian percussion instruments in his "toy" collection. It is important for drummers…
Drivers Seat: More On Phrasing
Drivers Seat More On Phrasing by Butch Miles In my last article, I discussed the various methods used to learn the chart and the importance of phrasing. I'd like to go into phrasing with the band further. Let's check some…
Michael Shrieve: Transcendence
Michael Shrieve: Transcendence by Scott Kevin Fish I can remember being 16 years old, listening to 17-year-old Mike Shrieve on the first Santana album. It was released soon after Santana's stunning performance at the Woodstock Festival. Shrieve was very articulate,…
Gene Krupa 1909-1973
Gene Krupa 1909-1973 by Karen Larcombe "I'm happy that I succeeded in doing two things: I made the drummer a high priced guy, and I was able to draw more people to jazz. "The above quote of drum master Gene…
Rock Perspectives - Developing Hand/Foot Coordination
Rock Perspectives Developing Hand/Foot Coordination by David Garibaldi For a drummer, one of the most important areas of study and consideration is developing hand and foot coordination. Frequently, I am asked how I develop independence. After some thought, I'd have…