
January 1985 – Volume 9 • Number 1


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Articles in January 1985

Shelly Manne - The Last Interview

It was 1957, I was 16 years old, and I had no business being on the bandstand, but there I was sitting in with Russ Freeman on piano and some local jazz musicians at the B/ackhawk in San Francisco's Tenderloin…

by Charles M. Bernstein
Aug 10, 2018

Yes's Alan White

You can't blame Alan White of Yes for smiling. It's a lazy sort of grin, to be sure. It's the kind that hardly takes an effort to rouse. But it's also a supremely confident, "I told you so" sort of…

by Robert Santelli
Aug 10, 2018

Simulated Double Bass

Double bass drum techniques have increased the repertoire of drummers, both in playing beats and soloing. Here are some ideas which can give a player with a single bass drum setup the opportunity to effect double bass drum sounds. By…

by Richard Meyers
Aug 10, 2018

Jimmy Bralower — Creating Illusion

Some people think of Jimmy Bralower as the enemy. Why? Because the man makes his living programming drum machines for records. This is the guy who's putting drummers out of work. Or is he? Jeff Porcaro once remarked that he…

by Rick Mattingly
Aug 10, 2018

January 1985 - Volume 9 • Number 1

Alan White, Nick Mason, Shelley Manne, Ollie Brown, Jimmy Bralower, Ed McClary, Frankie Banali, Carl Palmer, Rod Morgenstein, Eric Carr, Phil Collins

Modern Drummer
Jan 1, 1985

Nick Mason - Finding His Own Way

The name Pink Floyd conjures up all sorts of memories—some very distant and others not so long ago. Over a span of 17years, they have given us such classic records as A Saucerful Of Secrets (1968), The Dark Side Of…

by Robyn Flans
Aug 10, 2018

Ollie Brown — Breakin’ Out

Every once in a while you stumble across someone who is articulate and personable, and who will talk about drums and drumming 'til the cows come home without becoming boring. Ollie Brown is such a person. Big in size, he…

by Susan Alexander
Aug 10, 2018
